I find writing to be a great method of exploring ideas, and I’ve chosen to do that writing here so people can look in, comment, and join in if they feel so inclined.

Computer Science


Add dependent types to Rust to make a language which is both a theorem prover, and a low level systems language.

SQL Equivalent ORM

A particular interface for interacting with databases which negates the need for a domain specific language, hopefully to the point that users won’t ever feel the need to reach for SQL.

Rust Incremental

A library for Incremental Computation in Rust, hopefully using its type system to avoid common pitfalls which trouble implementations in other languages.

Prediction Markets

Weather Forecasting

Prediction markets could be used to make the most accurate weather app, and the technique generalises well to other information.

2028 Election

In 2024 prediction markets forecast who won, in 2028 they could be used to forecast who should win.


Government as Software

Have a program which collects taxes, runs the democratic vote, pays government officials etc… Digitising these central mechanisms allows them to evolve into things they couldn’t otherwise.

Carbon Markets

If people had to financially cover the damages of their environmental harm, the market would work out the best way to get the most utility out of the smallest amount of damage.